Jinn Possession is it real?
Muslims believe in the world which is not seen by anyone which include angels, heaven, hell, Satan and jinn. i am Astro Spell (Muslim Astrologer). people always ask me about the existence of Jinns. The reason behind this believe are many verses of Quran. According to that angels were created from light and jinn from Fire. Even in other religions there are bad spirits, satan, witchcraft. The most important thing is we can read about them in Quran. So, we can not question about its existence. Moreover we came to know about many stories about jinns. That i will tel you about in my other blogs. In One of my other blogs i have also explained how to call jinn.
The two most famous jinns are probably the Muslim Devil (Shaytan) and the jinn in Aladdin's lamp from "One Thousand and One Nights" The Arabic stories.
Where do jinns live?
Jinn are said to inhabit caves, deserted places, graveyards and darkness. They marry, produce children, eat, drink and die but unlike human beings have the power to take on different shapes and are capable of moving heavy objects almost instantly from one place to another. Most dangerous thing about them that they can possess human mind and body.
Jinn Effect on Human Being?
Different Scholars have different opinion about the jinn and effects that they can create on human. Some said that they can not do anything as only evil is human's soul. If he believes in something than it seems to him to be true where it is a mere illusion caused by rage and bad desire. Hence, they conclude that there is no link between humans and Jinn. In the other hand, the other group believes that Jinn can possess people’s body, affect them and cause them sickness.
How can Religious Healers Control Jinn?
- Clean off the place from pictures to allow angels enter the place.
- Diagonize the patient by asking him/her some questions such as did he/she have any bad dream such as to be attacked by animals or falling from high or walking alone in a scary place. These types of questions and diagnose should continue until sure about the type of Jinn and their number. Then the verses of Quran is read to sent jinn out of the body.
How to get rid of jin :-
I an heal the possession of jinn. I am 24/7 available if anyone seeking my help can call me +91-9779088700. Or can visit my site for the help.